Best mugen characters of all time
Best mugen characters of all time

best mugen characters of all time

There was a reason he has not been talked about much at all OR only on good maps for him.

best mugen characters of all time

Sigma is like flat dead even against many tanks depending upon raw ability usage, but has very exploitable weaknesses that cause him to press the S key. Orisa’s strong because she pretty much doesn’t have a hard counter in the tank roster. This has to do with DPS/Support synergy being through the bloody wazoo. This has nothing to do with Sigma being amazing. This is the first bloody time Sigma’s had such a strong backline to support him for a change covering all of this weaknesses. Everything else this game has been dominated by high surviability, high damage, rush, and dive. We have never had bunker comp back in such force with Sigma, Mei, Bastion, Illari, and Baptiste. Sigma’s even remotely appearing good this seasons since he’s got the best DPS/Support line up since the game’s release. It took an entire year from Beta for him to get any adjustment at all and the dude’s not even been meta practically at all as a problem tank compared the numerous other tanks getting adjustments. Got hit with an early 7% ult increase in the beta.He wasn’t even meta, but got caught in the roadhog and 1shot nerf patch.

best mugen characters of all time

Sigma has had nothing but nerfs since the game launched in beta. You of all people should know that Sigma has been one of the least problematic tanks since the game’s release.

Best mugen characters of all time